Supporting energy efficiency measures in the residential sector. The case of on-bill schemes
The paper proposes an in-depth description of on-bill mechanisms, their possible frameworks, the barriers to their implementation as well as the impact they may have on the core business of utilities. The study is based on a review of the existing literature integrated with the results of on-field interviews and discussions with the aim to obtain a full picture of on-bill schemes in a European replication perspective. Methodologically, the paper is based on structured desk research and on-field feedback obtained from selected stakeholders. Additionally, a SWOT analysis is developed highlighting that on-bill schemes may result very convenient for power utilities and energy retailers. Furthermore, on-bill schemes can help to address the issue of the split incentives. In conclusion, on-bill schemes can be considered a valid tool to support energy renovation in the residential sector, but they do not represent a global solution since their application is not tailored for all the contexts.
Supporting energy efficiency measures in the residential sector. The case of on-bill schemes
The paper proposes an in-depth description of on-bill mechanisms, their possible frameworks, the barriers to their implementation as well as the impact they may have on the core business of utilities. The study is based on a review of the existing literature integrated with the results of on-field interviews and discussions with the aim to obtain a full picture of on-bill schemes in a European replication perspective. Methodologically, the paper is based on structured desk research and on-field feedback obtained from selected stakeholders. Additionally, a SWOT analysis is developed highlighting that on-bill schemes may result very convenient for power utilities and energy retailers. Furthermore, on-bill schemes can help to address the issue of the split incentives. In conclusion, on-bill schemes can be considered a valid tool to support energy renovation in the residential sector, but they do not represent a global solution since their application is not tailored for all the contexts.
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