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We are launching a new series of short web-meetings where we will present one One-Stop Shop for home energy renovation and its team. Each month, in only 30 minutes, you will discover who is who in EU Peers! Our first guest? Energiehuis – a regional One-Stop Shop operating in the Province of Limburg in Belgium.
The 4 th Hungarian community meeting will host 5-6 new members that is why an important issue will be introducing the new members, outlining the aims, activities and plans of EU-Peers project and showing the use of HumHub. The project leader will show the result of a new study about good practice cases about Ireland, France and Austria supporting their one-stop shop networks. At the second part of the meeting we will discuss actual renovation issues and cooperation opportunities, like new and planned renovation subsidies, requirements for OSS, joint communication opportunities and decarbonization in energy poor households.

Meet us on the 4th of February for a new webinar of our seasonal appointments. We will talk about energy poverty and the role that OSSs can play to alleviate it and support the renovation of energy-poor households.

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