Call for one-stop shops to participate in the EU Peers Survey

September 10, 2024
min read

Help us know better your local one-stop shop and integrated home renovation services you provide to homeowners. Help us increase the impact of one-stop shops in Europe!

How many one-stop shops (OSS) are providing integrated home energy renovation services to homeowners in Europe? Where are they located? What are their business models? What results are they achieving? What is their impact on the renovation rates of residential buildings in their territories? 

These are only some of the questions we, the EU Peers Community of Practice for Integrated Home Renovation Services, want to be able to answer. Why? Because we are now in the stage of building the Community and your answers will help us to:

  • Map the existing one-stop shops, one-stop shops in the stage of creation (or reflection) and their supporters in Europe.
  • Get to know our members and non-members better.
  • Increase the impact of local one-stop shops through coordinated and documented advocacy. 

General information & performance-related data

The survey consists of three main parts: 

  1. Who are you?: In the first part of the survey we want to know who is responding  to the survey – a one-stop shop or an organisation supporting one or several one-stop shops in their activities? The questions are different for these two types of respondents (the survey for supporters is much shorter). 
  2. General information about your one-stop shop: In the second part of the survey we are asking OSS to share their basic information and contact details. For example: How many inhabitants does your OSS cover?; What is the legal status of your OSS?; Do you provide services for free or for a fee?; What is the cost of the service paid by homeowners?; What were the funding sources of your OSS in 2023?; What were the running/operational costs of your OSS in 2023?, etc. 
  3. Performance & impact related data: In the third part, we are looking at one-stop shops’  performance and results achieved in 2023 to show their impact. For example, we are asking: How many homeowners did your OSS advise in 2023?; How many energy audits, diagnosis or scenarios did you carry out in 2023?; How many homes did you renovate in 2023?; etc. 

One-Stop Shops decide what happens with their data

The EU Peers Community will collect the data annually and aggregate them to showcase the progress of the movement in Europe while keeping the individual answer anonymous. We are convinced that this ‘gold mine’ of data will give us the legitimacy to promote and increase the impact of local OSS and integrated home renovation services on home energy renovation in Europe. The survey will also help us identify OSS’ capacity building needs and bottlenecks that need to be addressed. 

EU Peers Community members who will respond to the survey can also decide to share their individual data with their peers on the EU Peers online platform reserved for members only. This would greatly improve the understanding of each member’s business models, results and challenges and facilitate direct exchange of knowledge between the Community members. 

Do not hesitate anymore and complete the survey now

If you know your One-Stop Shop or supporting organisation well and you are keeping track of your business, it should not take you more than 30 min!  

We strongly encourage you to become member of the EU Peers Community of Practice before you start!

EU Peers Consortium
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Help us know better your local one-stop shop and integrated home renovation services you provide to homeowners. Help us increase the impact of one-stop shops in Europe!
Energy-efficient building renovation is a key practice to reduce European emissions. But this is exactly where homeowners face major, frustrating hurdles. In order to ease their renovation journey, Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS), or so-called One-Stop Shops for residential energy renovation (OSS), are emerging in Europe. EU Peers is here to support those IHRS / OSS through a shared Community of Practice.

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