The EU Peers Advisory Board accepts the mission to strengthen the Integrated Home Renovation Services movement

Eleven EU Peers consortium partners are teaming up with eleven, freshly appointed, EU Peers Advisory Board members. Their mission is a bit more complex than playing a football match and will last longer than 90 minutes. They are putting their heads together to help EU Peers strengthen the Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) movement.
February 4, 2025
min read

Eleven EU Peers consortium partners are teaming up with eleven, freshly appointed, EU Peers Advisory Board members. Their mission is a bit more complex than playing a football match and will last longer than 90 minutes. They are putting their heads together to help EU Peers strengthen the Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) movement. 

The EU Peers Advisory Board members met for the first time on 19 September. On the agenda: getting to know each other and reflecting on how they can help steering the strategic orientation of the EU Peers initiative. 

Who are the EU Peers Advisory Board members?

The Advisory Board members represent 7 one-stop shops or other relevant organisations from targeted (trans)national Communities (Italy, Spain, France, Hungary, Ireland, The Baltics & Transnational) and 4 European organisations promoting deep home energy renovation and, in particular, the one-stop shop concept:

  1. Alice Morcrette, Director of Hauts-de-France Pass Rénovation, France
  2. Károly Oelberg, Director of AACM Central Europe Plc, Hungary
  3. Johanna Varghese, Programme manager of the Irish Green Building Council, Ireland
  4. Daniela Luise, Director of Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane, Italy
  5. Emilio Miguel Mitre, Consultant, EOS Energy – Energy Service Company, Spain
  6. Claudio Rochas, Chairman of the Board, Ekodoma, The Baltics
  7. Ina Karova, Sustainable Development Expert, Energy Agency of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Trans-national
  8. Emmanuelle Causse, Secretary General, International Union of Property Owners
  9. Fernando Sigchos Jiménez, Secratary General, European Builders Confederation
  10. Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, Buildings Performance Institute Europe 
  11. Guillaume Joly, Senior Sustainable Buildings Officer, The European Consumer Organisation

All of them have been working on the topic of IHRS for many years, either locally implementing renovation works and accompanying homeowners on their customer journey or advocating for the emergence of IHRS / one-stop shops and favourable policy and regulatory frameworks at national and European levels.   

How will the Advisory Board strengthen the IHRS movement?

To get started, the EU Peers Advisory Board members agreed to exchange information on the development of IHRS across the EU, including the implementation of the related policy & regulatory frameworks (for example, the EPBD and EED), projects and initiatives. The members are also eager to coordinate their actions, pool resources and develop joint initiatives with EU Peers. Some of the concrete actions could be to:

  • develop EU Peers as a kind of ‘’ platform, giving direct access to all EU-based one-stop shops, 
  • to promote EU Peers-like communities in all EU Member States, 
  • to turn EU Peers into a strong political movement by developing joint policy recommendations, 
  • to work on the taxonomy for one-stop shops / IHRS and setting the base for a much needed classification system, 
  • to organise joint events when targeting the same target groups in the focus countries, 
  • to share resources and results from the countless EU projects working on IHRS,

and the list goes on…

Our teams are now on the starting blocks of a cooperative game that will make European one-stop shops far more numerous and viable!

EU Peers Consortium
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