Upcoming capacity building programme - have your say on the topics to be tackled!

We are going to offer a capacity-building series, and you will now have the chance to vote for the topics most useful to you!
February 4, 2025
min read

Do you provide Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) and face challenges? Would you like to support deploying one-stop shops for home energy renovation but implementation is difficult? What are your main concerns? Is it cooperating with financial institutions? Marketing services to homeowners? Mediating between residents of multifamily buildings? Embedding the one-stop shop approach into a coordinated energy efficiency strategy at the regional or national level?

In the coming months, we will launch a capacity-building programme for members of our EU Peers Community of Practice, which will be carried out in various formats and series. You now have the chance to vote for the topics most useful to you!

How does the query work?

We identified several topics that could be interesting for you to be addressed. Are we right? What are your actual needs and preferences? Have your say by selecting your top three topics.

Plus: Is something missing? We are also happy to cover topics not on the list but considered important. The last option is, therefore, empty and can be filled in by you.


Deadline: 31 October 2024

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact either your respective Community Manager or the EU Peers team via contact@eupeers.eu

EU Peers Consortium
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