ENEA e Regione Piemonte sono lieti di darvi il benvenuto nella prima Comunità italiana di sportelli unici (one-stop shop) finalizzati alla riqualificazione energetica degli edifici residenziali. Questa piattaforma è dedicata a tutti coloro che vogliono contribuire ad aumentare il numero di edifici riqualificati, consapevoli dei molteplici benefici e anche delle difficoltà nel perseguirli! Vi invitiamo a essere parte attiva della Comunità gestita da Patrizia Pistochini & Francesca Hugony, ENEA
Comunità di pratica EU Peers in Italia
Avete una domanda? Volete saperne di più sulla Comunità di pratica italiana? Contattateci direttamente.
Manager della comunità
Lorenza Daroda, Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Manager della comunità
Patrizia Pistochini, Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
EU Peers email
Richiesta di adesione (ENG)
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The New EPBD: A New Standard for a More Sustainable Future
It has been 22 years since the first Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) came into force. Two decades in which climate change has gone from being an abstract concept on panels of experts to something as tangible as sweat in March due to 35ºC, knee-deep water in the living room after torrential rains to pay 10€ for a litre of olive oil produced in an ever-dry countryside. Also, in the last twenty years, climate change and sustainability in general have gained space in the public and political agenda.
Insights from the 1st Baltic Platform Meeting
The first Baltic Platform EU Peers community meeting brought together experts, stakeholders, and project leaders from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to discuss pressing challenges and opportunities in building renovation. The online event emphasised the importance of adopting scalable and sustainable renovation practices, particularly for multi-family buildings, while fostering regional collaboration.
Driving Sustainable Housing Solutions by EAP
The Energy Agency of Plovdiv (EAP), a member of the EU Peers Community, is leading the charge for sustainable and energy-efficient housing renovations in the Plovdiv Region, Bulgaria. Through the MultiHome project and its first Residential Renovation Expo, EAP has brought together homeowners, authorities, and industry professionals to tackle challenges in housing renovation and implement innovative solutions. The Project focuses on fostering collaboration, as well as sharing expertise, and promoting advanced energy-efficient technologies.
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Empower yourself by becoming a member of EU Peers Community of Practice!
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